Prevent Accidents Using Driver Distraction Protection
The Leading Application For Preventing Dangerous Distraction By Mobile Phones
Accident Reduction
Drivers who kill someone whilst driving and using a mobile device will be prosecuted for Manslaughter.
Duty of Care
The modern mobile office can prove a tempting but dangerous driver distraction. We help you manage the distractions.
Road Safety
1 person every 7 minutes is caught using their phone whilst driving. Our technology helps ensure employee safety whilst driving.
Risk Management
‘Causing or permitting’ a driver to use a hand-held phone could lead to more than a 20% increase in your insurance premiums and an uncapped fine based on a % of your turnover.
Protecting Road Users
Protection of drivers is our cornerstone, achieved by preventing the use of mobile devices while driving, using our market leading technology.
Are you ready to reduce drive for work accidents and save lives?
Texting in 3 x More Dangerous Than Drink Driving!
Why there is a need for a driver management solution
Now smart mobile phones are so prevalent we have a new problem concerning their use and distraction whilst driving.
Download this infographic and learn more:
Huge numbers of drivers caught using mobile phones
The extraordinarily high chance of a fatal accident