



Under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) employers have to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all employees while at work. This establishes the Duty of Care employers have to their employees which according to ACAS, means employers “should take all steps which are reasonably possible to ensure their health, safety and wellbeing".



We were delighted to be asked to provide an editorial piece recently for LAPV also known as Local Authority Plan and Vehicles.  This is a key target sector for our business for many reasons but namely the Health and Safety implications of lone workers and those driving company vehicles whether it’s a car, bus or lorry.  Our range of solutions were created to protect both employers and employees; employees as they go about their daily tasks and employers from prosecution for failing to protect their staff.

In our article we discuss whether a mobile phone is an essential business tool or a hazard and highlight details of the Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) that requires employers to ensure the Health and Safety of all their workers whilst at work.



Volvo Car UK has announced that as part of its mission, by 2020 nobody will be injured or killed in a new Volvo.  We are very pleased to be part of this major driver safety initiative entitled ‘Co-Pilot’ that is designed to help SMEs get on top of their legal and social obligations and ensure the safety of their fleets and drivers.

Co-Pilot is a program of practical support and expertise that delivers real financial benefits to business by improving driver safety and compliance. Volvo have designed the programme so that it is available free of charge when a business buys or leases their first Volvo.

Combined with Volvo's market leading safety technology, Volvo Co-Pilot delivers real value to small and medium sized businesses in three important areas:  Legal Compliance, Safety & Risk Management and Business Optimisation.

Our Mobile Driver Protection module that combats driver distraction is part of the Volvo Co-Pilot driver safety initiative.  This module automatically disables an employees’ mobile phone whilst they are driving through using GPS to detect movement. Blue Tooth use of the phone can be enabled, according to company policy, but any interaction with the hand-set is blocked. Notifications of email, text or social media are suppressed until the driver is stationary, thus removing the temptation to take their eyes off the road.  

Other partners in the scheme include The British Chamber of Commerce, Specsavers, TFL, Driving for Better Business, Fleet 21, Lex Autolease, Enterprise, Regus Business Scene and South Essex Insurance Brokers all of whom are providing offers as part of the Co-Pilot Driver Safety initiative.

Information from the Department of Transport indicates that more than a quarter of all road traffic accidents on British roads involve someone driving for work and accidents involving business drivers cause 20 deaths and 200 serious injuries every week.  This would suggest that the Co-Pilot driver safety initiative will hopefully reduce this figure and make the roads safer for all concerned.

Find out more...


Establishing Liability For Collisions Involving Highly Automated Vehicles By Dr. Nick Reed.


Driver Distraction

The USA seems to be taking the lead in educating their young drivers in road safety.  Young drivers are now required to stay on a learner licence for at least six months – which in turn has been found by the University of Michigan to reduce the number of fatal crashes.

The Govenors Highway Safety Association is now recommending that there should be more speed cameras and stronger night time restrictions which will reduce speed related crashes in their teenage population.


We recently attended Fleet 21 Conference where we ran our game that demonstrates how distracted people get when using their mobile phones.  We had some great results…


Romex World, an innovative technology company specialising in workforce management solutions has released a video highlighting the dangers of driver distraction.  Put together by Inside Consultants, the video demonstrates a number of facts and figures that have come to light in recent press stories.


Elias Fattal - Brake Fleet SafetyWe recently attended the Brake's Fleet Safety Conference in Solihull and had a really great time meeting a number of other sponsors and most importantly supporters of their National Road Safety Campaign.


We were delighted to see that two mainstream TV programmes have recently featured the risks involved with using a phone whilst driving.  The One Show uncovered some scary statistics facts about driver distraction whilst monitoring a roadside for just half an hour.