Lone Worker Protection

Lone Worker Protection Issues

  • Research shows that over 150 Lone Workers are attacked every working day
  • There are between 3- 3.5 million Lone workers in the UK
  • A business is legally required to carry out a Risk Assessment on their Lone Working Staff if they have more than 5 employees
  • A Lone Worker is defined as a person working on their own without close or direct supervision
  • The Corporate Manslaughter Act makes it easier to prosecute employers if there is a death of an employee which could have been prevented by proper and sensible procedures


With the recent changes to Health and Safety Guidelines (INDG73rev2) and the new BS8484 standard for Lone Worker services means that providing Panic Alerts via a mobile phone is the best way for companies to provide compliance with Duty of Care to their employees.

A comprehensive risk assessment will demonstrate the degree of risk for Lone Workers.

Service Levels: The Facts


  • Duty of Care and Compliance in accordance with HSE Directives
  • Lone worker protection in accordance with HSE INDG73
  • Improved employee safety and fewer accidents
  • Reduced risk to the organization and legislative compliance
  • Pinpoint accuracy using GPS and voice call to monitor events remotely